
●LinksAuto Dedicated Type LED Fog COB Squid
●Ring Diameter: 75mm
●Emitting Color: White
●Sale Includes: 2 Lights
●[Caution] ※ We will not be responsible for any damage or other damage caused by installation by yourself. In addition, please note that we cannot bear any responsibility for the rents involved in removing or removing the product. Please check the compatibility chart or the actual car before purchasing. Please be sure to install this product at a maintenance factory or professional professional to produce high voltage. Installation by individuals is not covered under warranty. Please be aware that we cannot bear any responsibility for the costs of the rent or damage of the vehicle due to the removal of the product.


Product description

LinksAuto Dedicated Type LED Fog COB Squid Ring Diameter: 3.0 inches (75 mm) Emitting Color: White Sold Includes: 2 Lights

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