Feature(may vary by option.)

●#222 in Mens Business Shoes

[red (wine)]




Product Description

Even though it looks like regular business shoes, it actually has a firm 2.4 inches (6 cm) up secret shoe. Just put it on and make your legs look longer. Genuine leather for a luxurious feel and comfort. After you start wearing it, you will feel that it will fit to your feet and grow it slightly by bit. The unique feel of genuine leather is the reason for many repeat customers. The insoles are made of a new 3D curved insole made with special synthetic rubber material, with moderate elasticity to reduce the burden on your feet. The three-dimensional insole is designed to fit the soles of the Japanese foot, and the raised arch cushion disperses the weight throughout the foot (Practical Model 3065354). These are secret shoes for comfort.


皮革の裁断から仕上げ·箱入れまで、全ての工程を日本国内で行っている完全国産シューズメーカー「KITAJIMA」(北嶋製靴工業所)。1961年の創業以来、日本人の足を研究し、日本人のための靴を作り続けている老舗紳士靴メーカーです。 履くことで自信が持てる、スタイルアップだけでなく、ライフスタイルもアップする、そんな靴を日本の匠が作り続けています。