Feature(may vary by option.)

●#926 in Mens Industrial & Construction Shoes



Wide WOLVES100 Series
This flagship model has pioneered a new category of safety dress sneakers.
Lining Material:Polyester Mesh
Insole Material: Rubber sponge, polyester (surface)
Toe core: Steel (JIS T8101 S class)

Brand Introduction
Interesting hands, connecting hands, killing hands, knotting hands... Since a long time, "hands" have been an important role and meaning in the relationship between people and people. OTAFUKU started with gloves that wrap your hands. We want to return to the origins and look at the role of gloves as well as expand our communication to provide more diversity, advanced products and high value services. As a leading company in gloves we have further reinforcement in the safety shoes, sneakers, and boots of related products, and we are offering products that can be used as the Otafuku brand with products that can handle all work supplies in general.