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●#320 in Boys Underwear

[atlantic blue]


A boys wetting wetting was difficult to determine which one you are looking for, and it was also very hard to measure because of the very good momentum, but our store has been focused on the water absorption speed. [Water Absorption Speed] Faster reduces leakage. Absorbs and diffuses urine in the first layer closest to the surface of the body. The second layer (absorbent pad) uses a water-absorbing polymer called Bell Oasis to absorb and diffuse more than 100 times its own weight in water. The third layer also uses a dry pile for diffusion, to diffuse urine concentrated in one place, and then move urine from the next to the remaining parts of the water intake. These pants look just like regular pants so you dont have to worry about school. It can also be used to prevent bedwetting at home. Boxer shorts style popular among boys. Stitch on the front for a cool look! This is a comfortable wetting pants that reduces stiffness and sharky feel compared to other products. Made in Japan for peace of mind.