
●The Best Walasa Tone!! The best balance for standing rods and handheld
●New Version
●Actual Fishing Report!! Kenzaki Frontage Port Chiyomaru 7.6 - 10.9 lbs (3.1 - 4.2 kg) 10 Pieces 2 (1 Harris Cut, 1 Out)
●Drag, Full Lock, Harris No. 10, allows for plenty of room to wind up a vengine. It has also been eaten on a standing rod. Outstanding operability
●This is a highly recommended item. Light and balanced so you can enjoy it without fatigue


★Manufacturer: Amano Fishing Gear

★Product Name: ZEALOT 2200 x 9 (New and unused)

★Material White Glass Solid (Solid) 100%

★Total length 220cm (Streamline size 168cm)

★Color: Lemon Yellow / White

★Weight: 11.4 oz (290 g); Original and tip diameter: 0.4 inches (9 mm), 0.09 inches (2.2 mm).

★Weight Load ~ No. 120

★Target fish, blues, especially warras! Others: This product is manufactured by CHINA FACTORY under strict quality control by amano fishing equipment.