Feature(may vary by option.)

●#91 in Moisturizing Socks






Stylish heel care for when you go out.

A plaid type that is perfect for casual wear.Recommended for those who want to take care of their heels in a casual and fashionable way when going out.In general, you can shave it with pumice stones or apply a moisturizing cream, and nowadays.But its hard to find the right way for you.Medicine does not match your skin, or it will hurt your skin... The soles of your feet have a defensive reaction that causes extra thick keratin.These delicate feet are actually a short road. The Futura Beauty Series softens your exfoliating by using your own body strength as easily as possible.The Futura Beauty series features a double knit heel construction and a moisture absorbing sheet.Its construction retains the moisture that naturally emits from your feet and also increases heat retention, which effectively softens the stiff heel.These beautiful foot creations are made in our own sock factory and are actually made with 3 times the effort and time of regular socks.Our artisans with 50 years of experience and skill in sock making make them painstakingly every day.This best-selling product has been delighted by many customers since 1990, but we are confident that it has been improved and continues to evolve.